Dire Maul Doors
Dire Maul Doors
As I understand it, solocraft is trying to keep this game blizz-like. But you blow the doors off dire maul north. Yet you need a key to enter west. Why? I'm only just realising this after I went through the trouble to make keys to do UBRS. And to later find out those doors are blown off the wall as well. Stratholme still needs a key as of now. Do you intend to blow those doors out also? Obtaining keys feels rewarding. Especially the UBRS key.
Re: Dire Maul Doors
I second this I miss needing to do pre-Qs to enter literally unlock new areas. I was super disappointed when the UBRS key was no longer needed. It just removes content from the game and removes the purpose of other content.
Re: Dire Maul Doors
To be fair, you can still finish the attunement quests if you so desire. I personally did it. To emulate a blizzlike experience and didn't enter the instances until I had the requirements. As for why should the doors be open? For convenience's sake. I personally find it much more convenient on alts for example that you dont have to do the attunements on every character.