Bot party PvP

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Bot party PvP

Post by Moyu »

Please tether the bots to the player within x radius. It's a horrible experience having to deal with a guy on a mount sending bots your way.

I played a Arathi Basin the other week and this hunter never dismounted unless he was capturing a flag. He went from flag to flag non stop, only using his T3 warrior bot + pet to distract other bots or constantly send them after me.

Either remove the T3 bots from PvP and make them like the other more average bots, or please tether the bots to the player so they can't be spam-sent to attack other players.

For the entire 20 minutes I had a T3 warrior running after me. Probably /target + /attk command on me and just spammed it. It makes the BG unplayable when you want some solo action. Even worse is that the player bot sometimes gain aggro from other bots so you end up being chased indefinitely for the entirety of the game.

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Re: Bot party PvP

Post by anubis88 »

Hello Moyu,

I experienced pvp for 16 months on solocraft and honestly it is better to leave the bg and queue again when you face another player.

You will almost always face anti game strategies (like the recap spam on AV to prevent bots to progress through your base) from the opposite faction because this is the most effective way to win. The best way to enjoy pvb is to have all real players on the same faction. I'm on holidays for 2 weeks but when I come back I can help with fully geared characters for 1 or 2 bgs.

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Re: Bot party PvP

Post by Arzok »

As pointed by Anubis, just leave the BG when you face something like that, not worth the effort.

Months ago I was trying to face other players just for a change while testing "strategies" with bots, it just does not work, there are so many ways to force stalemates or trick the bots that most BGs ended up on a slugfest or someone getting annoyed after 30+ mins and leaving.

Even more, you have to keep doing borderline griefing non-stop, which results in a not so fun experience pretty fast for everyone involved.

If you want to do some BGs with or against a player, talk to them first, even better if you know them before. Someone grinding honor will not care about your concept of "fun" or "fair".

Feel free to contact me in-game if you wish, Arzok.
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Re: Bot party PvP

Post by LucasMount »

Removing the T3 bots or limiting their use in PvP could help level the playing field. Hopefully, the developers take this feedback into account to enhance the overall experience! Cheers!
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Re: Bot party PvP

Post by Moyu »

There's a lot of players ruining their own fun and others in order to maximize their efficiency in farming honor.

Just /afk and join a new one, there's no solution to the problem without hurting the solo player experience even more.
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