Warriors and Tanking/DPS

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Warriors and Tanking/DPS

Post by Goldstinger »

Not a formal issue so not dropping it in the Github.

When requesting from Partybot for a warrior to join a party:

If the syntax is ".partybot add warrior tank", the warrior SHOULD have a shield. It is necessary for warrior tanks to have them to utilize all the threat-inducing skills in Protective Stance expected of a tank.

If the syntax is ".partybot add warrior meleedps", the warrior SHOULD NOT have a shield. Melee DPS warriors should either be using a 2h weapon, or dual-wielding 1h weapons.

Currently as-is right now as of this suggestion, Tanks will sometimes spawn in with 2-handers which is a huge disadvantage to their tanking abilities, and Warrior DPS will COMMONLY spawn with shields, ruining their DPS output. The current result is essentially "Random-rolling" to get the correct equipment slotted for those bots, by kicking them from the party and having another one join.

If someone wants to confirm this doesn't happen at level 60 it would be appreciated, currently happens from levels 1-59.
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Re: Warriors and Tanking/DPS

Post by Solo »

Hello, As you can read on the hompage it says "Once you are level 60, you will spawn BiS T3 Bots in raids and Pre-BiS Bots in dungeons and open world." All the gear is preset.

For levels below, the system auto chooses the items according to their level.
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