Party bots Healer improvement

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Party bots Healer improvement

Post by Tendyz »

There is another post where I have read interesting things but it is locked so I can't reply here. The following points are very accurate and can improve greatly the gameplay in raids, here is the list :

Changing the number of allowed partybots healers to heal a tank AND the players from unlimited to 3. Non-tank targets can still only receive 1 heals from 1 partybot healer at a time. Hopefully this will allow for a better spread of heals instead of all healers trying to heal the most damaged tank at the same time.

Partybots healers should do a better job deciding when to interrupt their heal if the target has already been healed while they were casting, and only allowing for a maximum of 50% of their spell’s heal amount to be overhealed. IE. If a target is missing 450 HP and their heal is 1000 points then they will cancel it, because they would be wasting 550 healing points.

Partybots healers should cancel their heal if the target is at full HP.

Priest healers should use Power Word: Shield on targets that are below 50% health or they are casting a spell and are being attacked, to prevent them from being interrupted.
Partybots healers and casters should use mana potions when they can when they have spent the amount of mana they can recover using that potion.

Partybots Healers should use offensive spells such as holy nova, consecration, hurricane when AOE command is used. This is to avoid mana to be wasted.

Thanks to keep us informed with the roadmap development and what is to come 😄
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Re: Party bots Healer improvement

Post by Bear »

nah don't think this is a good idea at all, if they cancel their heal at full hp, the tank might get hit after 0.1 sec and then the healers must start healing again, not so smart for raiding while tanks are constanly under attack. I have no healer threat issues since they added thunderfury for tanks so idk why you are suggesting this
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Re: Party bots Healer improvement

Post by Tendyz »

Bro it's not about healer threat but healer efficiency and not their wasting mana AND healing cleverly multi targets ans main tanks as well. Healers are not healing all the time it is always triggered by tank beeing injured. So there is no hit 0.1 sec. Anyway even if the tank is hit after 0.1 sec that heal would have been wasted because it's too soon already. 0.1 sec ago the tank was full health. Healers don't use fast healin spells such flash of light. They all heal at the same time. That is simply to avoid unnecessary heals on a 100% health target. Since healers use full ranks spells and get oom pretty soon that way they are more sustainable in fight too.
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