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Enchanting for Twinks/Alts

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:00 pm
by NicerDicer
Since you can't enchant your alt with your main and the fact that enchanting scrolls only exist since wotlk, i would like to suggest a main to twink enchanting system.

And even if you are a so bold to skill enchanting on all chars, there are recipes that will take you a lot of time or gold to get.
So i thought it would be cool, if you could make use of all your enchants and rare recipes from your main, for your alts.


So how could something like that work.
First idea:
- create an npc that you can give your item
- in a dialogue you can choose with what recipe you want to enchant this item
- get back your item for a gold fee and/or materials for that enchant

- that is kinda hard to implement, since you need to code that npc via c++ and insert all enchants, all mats and fees for all recipes in a questlike model

Second idea:
- when you get to 300 you are granted an gm command that you can now use on all chars for this account
- i think there are commands like .learn #spell [all], .learn craft, .learn all_recipes [$profession]
- this can be modified for enchanting

third idea:
- kinda like the second idea
- if you get to 300 enchanting on one of your chars you are mailed a token (account bound)
- with this token you can access an npc that will cast the above gm command on the char to learn enchanting and all recipes
- downside is, that this is more afford and probably involves c++ coding again

fourth idea:
- create scroll like items, that from now on are craftable by an enchanter
- this scrolls are accountbound
- when used you can enchant an item with it

- it is kinda the wotlk scroll system implemented into vanilla
- seems to be the hardest way to implement, since you need to change up enchanting and create a bunch of new items


I dont know if this would go to far for a "kinda blizzlike" server.

It seems that this ideas are more work than value.
But i wanted to give it a try, cause i am sad that i can't use my enchanting on my alts.

That could also be part of the vip system (like the gm commands) to aquire more people to donate or something like that.