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Things we love about SoloCraft

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:41 pm
by herbemoji
I haven't been playing SoloCraft long, but I've been super impressed so far with the server. I've been playing WoW since launch (both on launch and on private servers with very, very big breaks) - only ever in vanilla.

But yeah, I just thought it'd be fun and nice to make a topic for people to say the things they love about the server. I'll go first!

- The first thing is the basic point of the server - a relaxed, at-your-own-pace solo experience. The bots work amazingly well, and the increased rates are great for people like me that've already levelled 50 toons to 60 over 20 different servers. Being able to blaze thru dungeons, smash thru 51-60 in AV, the lack of attunements etc. All great, while still providing the options for a more difficult experience (no bots, 1x xp, etc) for those that want it.

- The focus on player-fun over balance. I've played on a few bot servers and they were great, but they tended towards a "balanced" feel. You had to pay gold for bots, or extra penalties for using them, etc. A thing I love about SoloCraft is that it's more focused on fun - if you want to fill a raid with bots and smash through an instance, you can, without penalty. Vanilla WoW is a very old (but still great) game at this point, so it's nice to have a server where you can just unwind and play as broken as you want.

- The community, while small, is always super helpful. Again, only been here for a few days, but I've seen some great chats in the <SoloCraft> guild, lots of newbie questions and lots of great answers. Lots of people willing to hand out bags etc to lowbies, too.

- Between the in-game community, the forum and the bug tracker, questions etc are answered super fast and super politely. A nice change compared to a few other servers I've played on. While I can't talk on the Discord due to not owning a phone good enough for Discord to decide it's a "real number", I'm sure that goes for the Discord too.

- And the main thing I enjoy - the chance to see all the stuff I didn't see during vanilla, and can't see on other pservers due to one reason or another. Like I said at the start, I've been playing since launch, and there are still dungeons I've never seen - never been in Sunken Temple, never seen any raid higher than MC, and I only did the 50+ dungeons once or twice. I've always had a hard time sticking to raid schedules, and finding guilds that mesh with my personality, so I'm very much looking forward to seeing them here on SoloCraft.

Keep up the good work! And to other players, what do you enjoy about SoloCraft?

Re: Things we love about SoloCraft

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:51 pm
by Rekojet
I'm playing on Solocraft for about a year now.

The main reason I'm still on the server is the community.

Never before have I witnessed so much kindness between players. By taking away the source of all evil in WoW (gold & gear), people no long behave on a toxic manner.
Bags, gear, mates are given away for free.
New players are well treated and supplied with gold & bags if needed.

Some players invested a lot of their time to help the community. For example, Vandramio made video guides for every raid.

Except for a few trolls I have never seen any really toxic behaviour here.

The second reason is that I can enjoy the game at my own pace.

No stress or rush, I can do whatever I want whenever I want.

The last reason is the evolution of the server.

Upgrades and fixes are made on a regular basis.

I'm confident that we will see more improvements in the futur.

Re: Things we love about SoloCraft

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:16 am
by Deathbeast
Hi everybody!

I'm new here and can't wait to explore all the options currently available; especially when it comes to raiding with bots. Been a longtime Warmane player and have previously (back in the good old Vanilla days) raided MC, BWL and AQ40 with an amazing and fun-based guild back in 05-07. I quit when my guild progressed to Naxx and sadly just before they downed C'thun. My best memories are from first getting to see the full extent of what raiding entailed. Progressing through dungeons and getting destroyed by the lava lord pack just after we were victorious over the first two molten giants in MC - which we thought was pretty good at the time. We must have wiped a bazillion times on the core hound packs. But that was - however weird that may sound - what made it even more exciting. Gathering whipper roots with 15 guildies and farming certain sweet spots for other mats was really awesome. The tight-knit community is what made WoW amazing and unforgettable and that's what I'm looking for in a private server - although I understand that it's impossible to retain the fire once lit upon us by the initial Vanilla experience. I loved being in MC and BWL and getting to explore every nook and cranny. I recall getting to Ragnaros and crushing him on the third or fourth attempt because we were so over-geared that our dps was pretty high and we (I think we did) skipped the sons phase even. I may have dreamed or over-romanticized the idea in my head over the past 20 years but I'm pretty certain I was one of the last remaining (together with maybe a druid and a mage) and we gave it all. Also, my gear was absolute shit and only focused on acquiring as many Nightslayer or Bloodfang gear as possible. DKP was slightly favored toward the guild officers, which was a problem pretty much everywhere I guess. I remember some dudes having negative dkp due to bidding on items they desperately needed and they got them over a couple of regular members - which I deemed absolutely ridiculous. So many great memories, too many to recall but I'm looking forward to making new ones. Currently at level 12 and enjoying it very much.

TLDR: a Vanilla WoW veteranwho mained an undead rogue with a keen taste in exploring raids. Love it so far!